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Introducing our law firm
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Do you need a heritage statement?

If you're planning changes to a listed building, a property in a conservation area, or a site with heritage significance, you may need a Heritage Statement as part of your planning application.


This document assesses the historical and architectural value of your property and explains how your proposed works will impact it.

Not sure if you need one? Read our guide on when a Heritage Statement is required to ensure your application meets local planning requirements

Our specialisms


Conservation Areas

If you are planning works to a building within a Conservation Area, and need a Heritage Statement to accompany a Planning Application, we can help.



If you are thinking of upgrading your historic property with renewables or improving the energy performance, you may need Planning Permission and/or Listed Building Consent.


Garden Buildings

Garden buildings can be an easy way to add space, and garden structures like sheds, garden offices and cabins may require consent if within the curtilage of a Listed Building.


Garden Walls and Railings

If you are proposing major changes to garden walls, gates or railings and need to justify changes to Planners or Conservation Officers, we can write a report to support your Application.


Simply provide basic details about your project, and we’ll handle the rest – ensuring your Planning and Listed Building Consent applications are complete

Stone Wall

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